지휘자 Wooju Baik
The 1st prize winner of the 8th “Ionel Perlea” International Conducting Competition 2024, also reveived the orchestra prize and awards from the State Philharmonia Brasov. And became the inaugural winner of the Romania 1st International Conducting Competition 2023.
“제스쳐를 소리로 바꾸어 오케스트라와 소통하는 탁월한 재능.. 여기에 음악에 대한 깊은 탐구와 함께 그는 정교한 연주자이자 오케스트라 구성원들과 함께하는 세심한 지휘자임을 증명했다.”
-안토니오 판타네스키, Professor at Conservatory Perugia-
“그의 음악은 과감함과 꿈틀거리는 에너지로 가득 차 있다. 뿐만 아니라 젊은 지휘자답지 않은 진정성과 깊이로 관객들을 매료시킨다.”
-박 영규, 저널리스트
Supplies young and fresh energy to the music world through innovation and creation, founded the “Universe Philharmonic Orchestra(UPO)”, an orchestra composed of young musicians. Together with them, have been delivering the joy of classical music to the public through quality performances based on passion and individuality for many years, sharing the joy of classical music as a professional orchestra, and promoting the diversity of classical and orchestral music. These abilities, combined with his outstanding leadership and profound quest for sound, were invited to the in Trevi, Italy at the invitation of the XII Edition of the “Festival Federico Cesi”, Directed Le Nozze di Figaro by W.A.Mozart. Now, he has expanded his activities around the world, covering a wide range of classical repertoires from Operas to Symphonies.